Flying with your cat To New Zealand

Flying with your cat To New Zealand

Flying can be kind of an overwhelming task there are so many documents to keep track of, luggage to be packed and time to be tracked. This seems even more daunting if you have a pet to take with you however we’re here to make your lives slightly less difficult with tips from frequent fliers and some important rules when flying to or from New Zealand that you should never oversee.

Flying can be kind of an overwhelming task there are so many documents to keep track of, luggage to be packed and time to be tracked. This seems even more daunting if you have a pet to take with you however we’re here to make your lives slightly less difficult with tips from frequent fliers and some important rules when flying to or from New Zealand that you should never oversee.

Pre Flight Preparations

  cat litter box The Pre Flight preparations have to start way before the journey, in some cases even 6 months before because there exists a statute of limitations on things like vaccines. The acquisition of the required documents and permits is said to take 6 months too. So you have to start the preparation at least 6 months before you plan to fly to or from New Zealand. Here is a list of documents that you can keep as a checklist for your pets. - Veterinary treatments and letter - Up-to-date vaccinations - Export, import and transit permits - Quarantine documentation - Government documentation if needed - IATA approved container The details for an IATA approved container can be found on the website of Air New Zealand. However, generally, containers made of rigid materials fall under the category of IATA approved while mesh or wire containers are an absolute no. Now that the documentation aspect is in order there are some other things that you need to get done well before the flight.

Train you Pet

To reduce anxiety in your furry friend it is best to get them familiar with their travelling quarters. Keep it in your house for a while, let your kitty smell and get acquainted with it. Train them for all the jostling around that is going to happen. This will reduce the chances of motion sickness, an upset stomach or other health conditions that occur from stress or anxiety.

Check up with the Vet

You might have had your pet’s yearly physical very recently, however, it is vital to consult a vet before you decide to take your kitty to another part of the world. This is not only necessary for legal documentation but also to assess the health of your kitty. The vet will inform you whether your kitty is healthy enough to fly or not.

Stock up on Food

This is the point which one might ignore in the hustle and bustle of ALL the preparations that have to be done. This may not be something on your mind because you will have the idea that you are going to buy cat food or litter when you arrive. However, it is highly important that you research about the availability of cat litter and food with respect to the region that you are travelling to. Especially if your cat is a picky soul and does not like a change in the diet or litter. If you plan on travelling to a remote area not as metropolitan as your area, the best option will be to take your supplies along. It may cause you're to go over the weight limit of the baggage however, it is better to pay a little extra for a bag than to have a sick or moody cat not eat during a trip, and will ease the arrival anxiety for all... Planning for the litter tray is just as important, and better to have supplies on hand by pre-ordering if you can for delivery to your destination. Your cat having a familiar litter box is a very good way to help settle to the new home quickly.

When Travelling

There are certain travel tips that frequent travellers and experts have given in order to make the journey comfortable for both you and your cat. Stop feeding them approximately four hours before the flight but do give them plenty of water. Placing a comfort item like a favourite toy or a shirt that smells like you will keep them relatively calm and distracted.

Mid Flight Rules

litter box New Zealand is pretty strict with their flight rules and regulations. They do not allow travelling of the pets in the cabin until and unless it is a certified emotional support animal from the US. The support animal must be harnessed at all times and must have the requisite documents. The rest of the animals will have to travel with cargo for international flights and with baggage for the national flights. Air New Zealand says to check in 36 hours before your flight because the allowance of pets on the flight is going to be subject to availability and will be denied if there is a space issue. They also allow 1 cage per passenger, if you happen to have 2 or more cages you will have to look at the cargo policy from Air New Zealand. Following are the pricing details according to the weight of your feline.

  • Up to 25kg: NZD $75
  • 26kg and over: NZD $100

Post Flight

kitty litter nz Of course, the first thing you do after the flight is going to ask about the collection point of your furry friend. Do not wait around as most airports will not have your pets at baggage claim. Experienced fliers have strongly suggested keeping wet wipes handy as they will be your best friend after you collect your pet. Clean up the cage with a wet wipe and get them to stroll around just to get acquainted. Treat them to a nice meal and loads of treats for being a good sport about this experience. But, if you are travelling to New Zealand your journey might not just be over yet as per the country’s policy all pets must go through examination and a quarantine period of 10 days. (No quarantine period is required if you are travelling from Australia). For further details on the Visa and import policies of pets to New Zealand click the link below

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